This has got to be the maddest wedded couple I have ever photographed!! They were both absolutely fantastic and a real joy to work with. I had so much fun from this shoot that I want to share, Rhodine and Heba were brilliant and a very well suited couple and I wish them many years of happiness. Heba is Egyptian and has the most fab accent you have ever heard, it's a cross between Egyptian with a mild Scottish accent thrown in and you couldn't help but love her personalitly and the sense of fun she had or should I say they both had. Rhodine commented that he liked one of my SP's with an apple involved. Much to my surprise he appeared with a red and green apple which had everyone giggling. Anyway here is a little taster of what's to come ........The Happy Couple stopping traffic in Union Street, Aberdeen and once again Congratulations to Rhodine and Heba. xxx
Ah, what a fabulous photograph! I love it! Great job! I love their story too. My twin goes to Egypt so much for work and her husband is of Scottish descent and wore his family's plaid kilt to their wedding. Can't wait to see more!
Thanks RowanDeVoe, more pics will be coming soon x
Agreed! that is a fabulous and unusual marriage photo! excellent Joanne, please show us more :D
ps: I want to make my boyfriend wear one of those kilts :P
@Rossina - Kilts are fab aren't they? They are quite expensive though ;-(
I work with Rhodine and I gave him your website address to take a look at. I think your work is great, you have a real eye for a photo. I can't wait to see the rest of the photos of their day. They are both very impressed and excited to see their photos. It was funny as a few of us were standing round his desk yesterday to show some of your pics to one of the other guys and there they were!!
Awww well thank you kindly for giving them my website address Jules! I had a blast doing their wedding and have finally finished editing them so you'll need to hint at Rhodine to give you the password to view them. ;-)x
No problem, my hairdresser is going to take a look at your site too. I also forwarded it to another guy that we work with. The photo's you have posted tonight are fantastic, can't wait to see them all and especially if you have managed to capture the best man in a good light he always looks so grumpy!! x
Just out of curiousity Jules....."how did you actually here about my site" it's always good to know for future advertising. Glad you like them anyway and I think I managed a few smiles from the bestman ;-). Right breakfast then off to model scout in Aberdeen in this lovely warm weather we have!!!!!!!
Hi, purely through word of mouth.....live in Inverurie too, someone told me how good you were and to have a look on your bebo page and noticed your website.
Hope the model hunt was a success.
Happy Easter x
PS - Rhodine showed us all the photos on Friday aft, we all agree that they are stunning...
hey Joanne,
I'm Rhodine's sister. Just wanted to say the photos is fantastic and your very talented. well done.
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