Friday, 28 August 2009
Just popping in to say hi
It's nice to be back to normal and by that I mean no college, kids back at school and my house finally looking like a house rather than a dumping ground. I think I had two years of housework to catch up on. Apart from that I've a good few shoots lined up over the next few weeks and coming months which will no doubt keep me busy. So if your looking for any Christmas photos to hand out to Grandparents or families now's the time to book. Talking of Grandparents I have to say a "Hi" to Granny who now has a laptop and managed to find her way to my website ;-)
Tutu's will be available to purchase again if your looking for a little girls gift this xmas why not pre-order.
Last weekend hubby and I went to Lonach Games for the first time, well first time for me anyway! It was brilliant and I managed to grab a few shots of Billy Connolley, but the best part was the March and the Pipe Bands. It always sends a shiver down my spine when you hear those guys play.
Right, I'm off to make a cuppa tea and I do promise to try and make more effort with my blog. Any suggestions that you want to see on here let me know!
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Little Man

Not only does Cody have Auntie Joanne to deliver him but he has his own personal photographer ;-), how could I not resist taking his photo? Mum, Dad and Cody arrived just after lunch time in which they were here till about supper time. Cody likes to stay wakened most of the day you see.......... and likes to sleep all night!! Lucky for mum and dad but not for me. We had to wait a good while until we got him into that sleepy, drunk like state that is soooooo cute. Anyone who says photographing babies is a breeze is lying, I have to admit that I do love photographing them though. The hat and wrap were knitted by my 80 year old Granny (Cody's Great Granny), she's on her third one while I'm still trying to knit my first ;-(
Oh we also made the papers today........pic to follow soon ;-)
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Paul & Sarah

Just wanted to share Sarah and Paul's wedding with you. This was the most relaxed, well planned wedding I have been to yet. Paul being a photographer himself has seen many weddings I'm sure so, the attention to detail was bound to be perfect. I was also quite honoured to be asked to do their wedding, even though it's quite daunting to photograph a photographers wedding. They chose to get married at Loch Muick, a favourite place of theirs and then it was onto the Craigendarroch at Ballater, again a fantastic choice of hotel. It was quite a cold and windy day but Sarah was brilliant considering she was suffering from the cold.....she didn't complain once. I have sooo many images yet to go through but just wanted to share a sneak preview.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Special Delivery

Meet Cody, my 6 day old nephew delivered by myself on Tuesday morning by huge surprise.
It's been a horrendously busy, hectic, stressful week to say the least but I will never forget Tuesday 28th July!!
My other sister called me at 7.50am and asked if I would come down as Kelly was in labour and she had to go and get ready for work. I arrived at Kelly and Matthew's house by 8.30am. Kelly was coping really well with contractions, i got her up to go to the loo and she said she felt the urge to push! I told her that was quite normal and she asked for me to help her back to the loo. Hubby called me at 9.20am to ask how things were and I said fine and that I would call him back in 5 mins as Kelly wanted to go into hospitals NOW! (We were waiting for Matthews mum to arrive as she was driving them in). Just as I put the phone down I told Matthew to call for an ambulance. Kelly looked at me and said I feel something down there!! I told her I needed to look, I then looked at her and said baby is coming now and that she needed to push on her next contraction. With that she gave one push and out popped his head, his wee face began to look blue, so I tried to stimulate him where he then turned round and slowly moved his head. I yelled at Matthew "where's the fooking ambulance", Kelly saw me panic for a split second so I had to calm myself and said "everything is fine but you need to push on the next contraction. She gave another push, and baby Cody was born at 9.30am. I unravelled the cord, gave him a clean till he cried and placed him on Kelly's tummy and waited a further 10-15 mins for the ambulance to arrive. The best present an auntie could ever wish for!
I then did her dishes and went to the hairdresser for my hair appointment an hour later than I should have been!
BTW......isn't this stuff only supposed to happen in magazines?