Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Here's to a New Year "Happy 2010"
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Merry Xmas
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Off our heads
However, Erin and I had a night out on Fri in which we got "off our heads" (I wasn't that bad in all honesty), just felt real crap with colds, bugs and ill children the next day. Anyhow, after our wild night we went for lunch and ran over some ideas and this is what we came up with. In all the time I have known Erin she has been one of the most kindest and caring friends I have ever come across and I will really miss her when she moves to London in January ;-(
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Air Head
On editing my darling little daughter asked what I did with my head and asked if I actually took it off and was really concerned for my brain because it wouldn't be able to breath if it wasn't on my body! lol
Lately I seem to have been a total air head, forgetting things, appointments, you name it I forget it! This idea has been in my noggin for a moment or two, although there is another one that I haven't been able to get out of my head for about 6 months or longer so I must give it a go, however I'm a little scared it doesn't turn out as I envision it.
Yesterday I was sent an email to ask if one of the photography students could come and photograph me for her photojournalism project which would involve documenting my life and my business, feels a little odd to not be in control of a camera and I'm absolutely terrified at the thought.
Anyway, I wish my forehead was as smooth as this balloon ha ha but then again there is always botox right? Bring on the needles I say!!!!!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
My Graduation
My family
Karen and I (my best friend at college)
The Girls
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
How sheep eat!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Theeeeeee funniest shoot ever!
Anyway I've been dying to upload and share some of these with everyone and now I can as Mum and Dad received the photobook today. My daughter and I have bumped into Michelle (Marlie's Mum) a few times and it's been difficult to not be overly chatty to little Marlie at times. I almost died when Amara and I met Mum and Marlie in Tesco and Amara is shouting "Hi Marlie cooochie cooochie coooooo" lol.
These last few weeks have been busy with shoot after shoot, I suppose it's because we are nearing Christmas....... OMG only 8 weeks to go or something like that eek! Hope everyone has had a Happy Halloween xx
Friday, 23 October 2009
Little Munchkin
Today I photographed another little girl called Murron, this time she was only 4 weeks old and boy was she a little munchkin. She did not want to sleep but she did want to eat ;-) hee hee. Anyway she was a little star and I got some great shots of her in the end!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
What to expect
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Vintage Wedding Ideas
Click on Vintage Wedding Ideas ^ to take you to shopping heaven!
A quick glance
Little People
Little Leyton

he loved the windmills

I love his little expression on this one

Little Joss and super Dad

These are just a few of my fave's from both shoots.
Now it's time for a cuppa and a biscuit.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
A wedding with a difference
Nancy and Ryan let me drag them all over Pittodrie to take lots and lots of lovely snaps that I hope they'll be happy with.
Here's a few of the willing participants....
Click on pic to view large!

The lovely couple

So if your looking for a little something different for your wedding that is a little insane you've come to the right place!
Monday, 28 September 2009
A busy weekend
On Saturday I had an engagement shoot with the lovely Nina and Russell at Balmedie Beach. The shoot was actually meant to be for the previous week but the weather was awful so we postponed to this Saturday just past and oh wow...... we couldn't have asked for better weather. The sky was blue, it was gorgeous and hot, in fact probably safe to say that Saturday will be the last of our summer weather ;-(
Anyway just thought I would share a couple of shots from Saturday.
Pics of a fun wedding to come soon!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Custom made Tutu's

Goodness, I don't think I've posted so many times in one week! ;-)
Monday, 21 September 2009
Presenting Alex Salmond
The Tuesday of the presentation was very daunting indeed. I turned up to find all these men in suits, so I grabbed a cuppa tea trying to hide the nerves. Rhonda went over what I had to do and I had this vision of tripping up the steps as I presented him with my framed picture. However, all went well and I met some lovely people. Even the men in suits were quite friendly ;-)
Alex Salmond himself was very polite and seemed genuinely pleased with what I gave him, whether he was pretending or not he did a good job of hiding it.
Anyway, I thought I would get this posted as my Granny has been trying to get on my blog and I think she's been looking out for this post! "Hi Granny"
Some pics taken by a lovely lady I met called Kate Sutherland.

Sunday, 6 September 2009
A little something for the weekend

My Favourite

Vanilla buttercake
90g butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanill extract
1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar
2 eggs
1 cup (150g) self-raising flour
2 tablespoons milk
Butter cream frosting
125g butter, softened
1 1/2 cups (240g) icing sugra
2 tablespoons milk
50g dark eating chocilate, chopped finely
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
pink food colouring
Anything you like
1. Preheat oven to moderate (180C or 160C fan-assisted). Line 6-hole large or 12-hole standard muffin tray with paper cases.
2. Beat butter, extract sugar, eggs, flour and milk in small bowl with electric mixer on low speed until ingredients are just combined. Increase speed to medium, beat until mixture is changed to a paler colour.
3. Divide mixture among cases, smooth surface.
4. Bake large cakes about 25 minutes, small cakes about 20 minutes. Turn cakes onto wire rack to cool.
5. Make butter cream frosting.
Butter cream frosting
Beat butter in small bowl with electric mixer until light and fluffy, beat in sifted icing sugar and milk, in two batches. Divide mixture among two small bowls. Add chopped chocolate to one and sifted cocoa powder. Using colouring to tint one pink.
I found the icing to be quite thin so added more icing sugar till I was happy with the consistency. Instead of using dark chocolate I used milk chocolate (Galaxy to be exact).
Enjoy........lovely to eat but bad on the waistline ;-)
Friday, 4 September 2009

A gorgeous and contemporary and stylish way to show off your images.
Overall size of around 24x24 inches with 9 equally spaced 6x6 apertures.
Your images are carefully placed behind highly polished 15mm thick acrylic blocks and then fixed into each aperture in your chosen order. The product is finished with a high gloss lacquer in three popular colours - red, black and off-white.

Why not send out your images on a Christmas card.....

Alternative framing.....
Beautifully presented in a material lined black display box. Mounting the print to the back of the 30mm block gives a prism effect, allowing you to view the image in different ways from many angles.

Or why not treat yourself to a stylish 12"x12" custom designed Coffee Table Book to show off to all your friends.

Amara Ritchie offers many products with a variety of framing choices, please ask for more details.
I WANT your ideas, I WANT you to tell me what you WANT so that we can work together to create something that you will love.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Cute Bundles

I know I said I would blog more but it would help if I could remember my password to get in. It normally takes me about half an hour or I figure it out!
Anyway, on Sunday I had the pleasure of photographing this gorgeous little girl called Murron. Her name is from the film Braveheart and she sooooo suits it. She had the cutest, little face and was an absolute joy to photograph. It was rather tricky in getting her to sleep with a few piddly accidents on the way but who cares when you get shots as gorgeous as she was. So mum, dad and I sat and waited and chatted and had numerous cups of tea until little Murron fell asleep.
Things have been pretty hectic with me these past few weeks but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Friday, 28 August 2009
Just popping in to say hi
It's nice to be back to normal and by that I mean no college, kids back at school and my house finally looking like a house rather than a dumping ground. I think I had two years of housework to catch up on. Apart from that I've a good few shoots lined up over the next few weeks and coming months which will no doubt keep me busy. So if your looking for any Christmas photos to hand out to Grandparents or families now's the time to book. Talking of Grandparents I have to say a "Hi" to Granny who now has a laptop and managed to find her way to my website ;-)
Tutu's will be available to purchase again if your looking for a little girls gift this xmas why not pre-order.
Last weekend hubby and I went to Lonach Games for the first time, well first time for me anyway! It was brilliant and I managed to grab a few shots of Billy Connolley, but the best part was the March and the Pipe Bands. It always sends a shiver down my spine when you hear those guys play.
Right, I'm off to make a cuppa tea and I do promise to try and make more effort with my blog. Any suggestions that you want to see on here let me know!
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Little Man

Not only does Cody have Auntie Joanne to deliver him but he has his own personal photographer ;-), how could I not resist taking his photo? Mum, Dad and Cody arrived just after lunch time in which they were here till about supper time. Cody likes to stay wakened most of the day you see.......... and likes to sleep all night!! Lucky for mum and dad but not for me. We had to wait a good while until we got him into that sleepy, drunk like state that is soooooo cute. Anyone who says photographing babies is a breeze is lying, I have to admit that I do love photographing them though. The hat and wrap were knitted by my 80 year old Granny (Cody's Great Granny), she's on her third one while I'm still trying to knit my first ;-(
Oh we also made the papers today........pic to follow soon ;-)